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Student Wears Bag Over Head To Avoid Old Friends

What would seem to be a joy to most students, going to school with dozens of people you know, is turning out to be a nightmare for one student in particular. Jason Murray, a Sophomore at FIU has taken to wearing a brown paper bag over his head to avoid being seen by those who would consider him an old friend.

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Serious Talk – Question #2

Dear Dirk, My girlfriend she wants to have a “serious talk”. I’m not sure what that means and I’m scared that she wants to break up with me. What should I do? From Scared and Confused Dear Scared and Confused, I’m going to write...

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Full-time Pain – Question #1

Dear Dirk, As an FIU Business student who works full-time, I find it hard to get adequate study time. Do you have any tips to maximize limited study time? Sincerely, Busy Dear Busy, Unless you’re on the lam for a murder...

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