After months of deliberation, the Office of External Relations has unveiled FIU’s latest long term marketing intiative: “We have air conditioning.”

The new school motto replaces the previous mission statement of three years, “Be WorldsAhead.” Terry Witherell, Vice President of External Relations, said the new marketing campaign “best encompasses the values of the University, while resonating with the visions of the South Florida of the future; what with global warning and all.”

The search for a new motto started in late October 2011, when the Board of Trustees assembled a task force of students, faculty, alumni and administrators commissioned to “find a message that emphasized the University’s best assets without being so vacuous and intangible as to be virtually meaningless.”

In an e-mail message to the community, Senior Vice President of External Relation Sandra Gonzalez-Levy praised FIU saying, “Our professors are great, and our labs are cutting-edge. But all of that pales in comparison to our BTUs.”

FIU fares very well in the climate control category compared to other learning institutions in the local community. This, coupled with the lack of a single verifiable day of winter in the past three years, has drawn tens of thousands of students to FIU’s campuses, according to the report.

“Our students are drawn by our world class libraries’ climate control,” said President Rosenberg in response to the new motto. He added, “If the Gold in the sky is making you dry, let Big Blue cool you through.”

External Relations revealed that the new motto won the majority of the commission’s votes, edging out “Because you didn’t get into UF”, and “University of Miami is very expensive.”