Faculty & Staff

CIO Uses Tech Fee Money To Build Office Out Of iPads

In a recent interview, CIO and Vice President Robert Grillo introduced Bacon reporters to his newly renovated office, with walls tiled floor to ceiling in iPad 2s. The project, funded by over $540,000 of Tech Fee money, is “what being the head of the Division of Information Technology is all about!”, said the giddy CIO.

FIU Police: “We have feelings too, ya know!”

Though many students would be shocked to know, the FIU Police force is claiming that they too have feelings. "We're here, we feel, get used to it!" screams banners that can now be seen around campus. The slogan is a rallying cry for FIU Police Officers everywhere who...

One Third of FIU Math Department Drafted into War

In a stunning development last week, One Third of FIU’s Math Department was suddenly drafted into war. The Eastern European country of Kravkozia located on the Southern rim of Russia began a military conflict with the Republic of Schvka.