Dalton Williams

Editor in Chief, Writer

“I like to imagine myself as that demanding boss guy from Spiderman, what’s his name… Joe Jonas or something like that. But yeah, I like to think that I’m that kind of Editor in Chief. Somebody comes into my office with an issue about a story, and I’m firing words at them faster than a AK-47! All of this whilst smoking a cigar, whilst sipping scotch, whilst berating a useless photographer. If every day at work could go like that I know we would get so much accomplished. I smile inside every time someone walks into my office and I give them that hard Joe Jonas look. I can just see the terror and respect on their face as I tell them, ‘Just imagine I’m Joe Jonas and you’re Spiderman.’ They respect me around here for things like that. Not only does that tell them I’m hip – because I know cool references – it tells them I’m a boss that wants results but can still have fun at the same time.”

Luc Bergot

Writer, Editor

 “I once broke up with a girl for using ‘there’ when she should have used ‘they’re.’ Sure she was speaking and hadn’t written it down incorrectly or anything, but just by the tone of her voice I could tell she was thinking of the wrong word. That’s how perceptive I am. That’s why when I heard that there was going to be a hard-hitting news publication at FIU, I couldn’t resist. I had to join the team – if only to keep the whole thing together by my sheer corrective will. When I met the Editor in Chief I knew they truly needed me or this publication would surely perish in the hellish flames of flagrant errors and speling misteaks. And when I said all that right to the Editor in Chief’s face, he immediately told me I was hired. You’re welcome, PantherMEOW.”

Dean Calloway


“Who is this Dean Calloway, you ask? Well, I am a mild mannered man who’s interested in the facts. I hope to one day start my own investigative newspaper and travel the world on horseback solving mysteries. And I don’t mean like Hardy Boy type mysteries, I’m talking about the hardcore Murder She Wrote fair. I joined the PantherMEOW staff to give them that investigatory journalist edge. I’m the guy who’s not afraid to get in people’s faces and ask the hard questions, like, ‘Who ate the last danish?’ and ‘Why did my alcoholic father beat me and laugh?’ Also I really needed a steady job to support my financially crippling affinity for designer wristwatches and custom Italian suits.”

Debra O’Conner


“I’m a fiery Irish gal fresh off the boat. I like potatoes and bear knuckle fist fighting. PantherMEOW called out to me because I’ve always been a nosy girl, and I love a good story when it’s told right – no exaggerations, no malarkey. I want to tell the story of the students and faculty of FIU that you’ve never been told before, either because their stories were too raw to be told, or no one thought to tell their stories to begin with. Sometimes people just overlook the most obvious things. But I’ve never worried my curly red head about it – getting the story straight comes natural to me! I want to hit you in the face with the double deuce of truth and facts, and watch you spit out the teeth of knowledge and enlightenment!”

Dirk O’Dowel

Advice Columnist, Writer

Shunder O'Dowel“Yeah, I joined PantherMEOW late in the game, but that doesn’t mean I don’t feel at home here. The first day on the job I was already shining as the go-to guy for any and all advice. And so Mr. Williams put me in charge of the advice column. Although my background is in pet psychology, I think giving advice to the people here at FIU will be essentially the same as treating a bomb-sniffing K9’s PTSD. I look forward to answering all the burning questions that students, and even faculty or staff, might have. And I just want them to know: I’m a mellow dude, but I have a rocky past. I was the wild guy on campus, back in my FIU undergrad days. Those rocky times gave me a lot of experience and knowledge (especially in the ‘what not to do with chainsaws while drunk’ department.)”

Timothy Leary

Intern Writer

Desmond Locke “I signed up to be an intern, and now they keep me locked up in this writer’s room all day. Please send help… is what I would say if I was being used as slave labor. But I’m not! Not at all! Working for PantherMEOW is great! The staff is awesome, and I’m learning so much! Plus, they slide plenty of bread and water through the small hole in the writer’s room door, so, technically, it’s a paid internship.”


Kyle Matthews

Writer, Editor

“I would describe myself as Anarcho-libertarian. I wish that everything was privatized, really privatized, and that the government would shrink beyond recognition. But I still understand the role of big government, to keep some semblance of piece. If you write this out on the site I want you to write ‘peace’ like ‘piece,’ you know? Because the government wants to ‘keep the piece.’ Get it? Never mind. So, basically I joined the PantherMEOW team to express my radical views subtly through professional ‘unbiased’ journalism, in hopes that it will sink into the minds of some kids that will go on to make this country a place where phony money and a giant coddling government are a thing of the past. Also, I want people to know what’s going on at FIU, I guess.”