Sources are saying that 19 year old freshman Tobias Budge, despite having never attended class or even removed the wrapping from his textbook, is unconcerned about his precalculus final as he, “Has totally got this, you guys”. Tobias stated this as he declined to attend a study session that several of his classmates very earnestly recommended. “I’m good, I took pre-cal back in high school and I got a solid B. So I’m pretty sure this is going to be a breeze.” Despite being warned by his professor, his family, and even PantherMEOW reporters, Tobias has declined to even glance at another student’s notes regarding the final.

Tobias insisted that as the exam is the majority of his grade, and he firmly – almost desperately – believes he will pass, that he has nothing to worry about. He responded that if he has any concerns, he can simply pull an all-nighter to get the basics down because, “I have a hook up for some Ritalin and you can cover everything you need in like two hours on that shit.” As of time of writing he still has not made any preparations for the exam, despite having to be reminded where and when it will take place.