It seems times are quickly changing, as the university has resolved a legal dispute over whether helper animals are allowed on campus. The definition of “helper animal” has been extended due to a recent incident. At the start of the Spring 2019 semester, sophomore Christian Lonnergen showed up to his morning organic chemistry lab pulling a leash attached to a man wearing a full leather bodysuit. Lonnergen explained that the individual in the leather bodysuit, referred to only as Vassal, was his emotional support human for his clinical depression. Lonnergen presented the professor (who wishes to remain unnnamed) with official documentation from an accredited psychiatrist stating that he did in fact need an actual emotional support animal. When questioned by the professor why he didn’t opt for something more common or sane, like a dog, Lonneregen responded, “I feel personally attacked.” The professor was adamant, however, and according to reports, dismissed Lonneregen and Vassal from the classroom in an angry tirade. A lawsuit quickly followed.

As a result of the incident and the ensuing legal action on the part of Lonneregen, a new university-wide policy has been created to allow for support humans. “No matter if they are dressed in authentic full grain leather, or a more affordable faux leather,” one part of the policy reads, “FIU will not discriminate when it comes to allowing support humans for the betterment of our students’ mental health.”

The use of support animals has gained much mainstream acceptance in the past decade. This policy is late in the game for FIU. We interviewed Li Yuan, director of Disability Resources at FIU, to see why it took a lawsuit to accept support humans, and why a longtime faculty member would deny a student the assistance they require. He responded to us only with: “Look, I mean… just… Jesus! It’s a guy in a fetish outfit! Why is this an issue?” Why, indeed?

We here at PantherMEOW firmly believe that every student is entitled to the help they need to succeed in the university. As a form of protest our entire staff has decided to bring emotional support humans to work and parade them around the university. We’ve found many enthusiastic participants after putting a Craigslist wanted ad for men in leather bodysuits. We stand with you Christian! We will be on the right side of history!