“PantherMEOW is hard-hitting FIU News at its finest. You could call us the ultimate source for all that is current at FIU, and if you did so you’d be mostly right – and that’s good enough for us! With our fully online sate-of-the-art world-wide web publication dedicated to blasting information at your eyes at the speed of light, you’ll be sure to form the right opinions about everything going on with our beloved international university! PantherMEOW is the Purr-fect place to get your FIU news’!”

Dalton Williams, Editor in Chief

If PantherNow (formerly The Beacon), the student publication at FIU, is a “forum for free student speech,” then PantherMEOW is a forum for even freer free student speech. PantherMEOW (formerly The Bacon) is a satirical news source for Florida International University.

PantherMEOW is here, once again, to inform by way of amusing satire. We’re back in full swing after a little over seven year hiatus. We’re ready to bring you all the hysterical FIU news your little hearts can handle.

So here we are, covering the stories that no other FIU news source would dare touch. We are the fearless writers, photographers, and reporters of PantherMEOW, read our roar!